Hafeez Floris at Kalk Bay
Tauriq Gamildien photo

posted by tauriq on Wednesday, 1 June 2005

Hafeez Floris at Kalk Bay



8th March 2007 11:32
Wasup DIRK? tell me.... Where were you little boy
Spy DudePierre Marqua
19th April 2006 09:46
i miss the reef, snif sniff, i miss the crew, the laughs, the car park, the kook surfers, the cool surfers, the lighties on the inside. Damn living on the west coast is cool, but i sure do miss the reef. enjoy boys.
tauriqTauriq Gamildien
18th April 2006 16:33
And i suppose u Chuck Norris...
Dirk BarnardDirk Barnard
18th April 2006 10:06
He's probably not a local! Check that cheap-ass shoulder drop!!!

Photo Details

Rider:South Africa Hafeez Floris photos
Surfspot:Western Province, South Africa Kalk Bay photos
Photographer:South Africa Tauriq Gamildien photos



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