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Shapes n sizes

  • lyle
    February 2011
    Hey guys. quick question.

    i surfed a board that was much wider and the wide point much closer than normal to the nose. (than im used to anyways) exact measurement was a 22" wide-point & 16" from nose. now i could spin off any section with any amount of speed slow/fast. but i found it difficult to bust airs. ok so the waves weren't great so that might have played a role.

    now i know it was super easy to spin because of such a wide wide-point and it being so close to the nose.
    my question is: was it because of the wide-point being so close to the nose or so wide that i couldn't bust out?? would this shape affect my busting abilities?? and if i moved the wide-point further back would it make it easier to bust airs and still lank easy to spin on any section??

    hope this made sense and someone more experienced will be able to help.

    shot guys

Bodyboarding 780 views

3 Replies

  • lyle
    February 2011
    any thoughts??
  • craigtrilivascraigtrilivas
    February 2011

    I have personally not found a wider nose/widepoint keeping me from busting bro.

    But it sure does make it easier to spin etc... :mrgreen:

    Maybe try adjusting ur timing a bit?
  • lyle
    February 2011
    ok shot craig. thats all i really wanted to hear. if it was me or if someone else found the same thing. so shot for your input. cool beans.
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