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Where do your loyalties lie

  • Diego
    April 2009
    Okay well its great to see all the enthused boogers on here and how we all stick together and help one another well that itself is proof that our sport is maturing.

    well on that note i just wanna ask why it is thatsome boogers will start riding and for a while carry on unntill one day they decide they are 'over it' and go to stand up! Its just mad and they havent even reached a high level they arent even much good but they decide to give up its makes me thick bleak to hear it but theres nothin we can do?

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7 Replies

  • that NINJA kid
    April 2009
    I know cats who got to a point where they change their minds and feel they're too old to be carrying it around cos it looks stupid?!?!?! I think it's self-knowledge and confidence more than anything...

    I'm gonna be a wrinkly old man with a bali-scooter style board rack welded to my wheelchair!
  • Chinnychinchin
    April 2009
    As we get older responsibilities make us go to the beach less, which means often when we DO finally get to the beach it's onshore and kuk.....To grovel in 1-2ft slop on a boogie is actually friggin lame-ass, to grovel in slop on a longboard is actually a whole lot of fun. I have found with the boogie one reaches a point where you realise this is as good as you're gonna get and unless you rip it can get hellish boring doing the same old cutties and hand-drag spins....although I did bust a sweet air last week in good waves. :D With standup you can at least get some stoke on, just doing a plain-old bottom turn on a rubbish wave. I'll never give up the sponge, ever, but if the waves are good for boogie, I boogie, if the waves are below average, I surf.
  • peterbee
    April 2009
    Look at it this way: a lot of kids get boogers as an entry point to surfing; they never intended on staying with it which is fine, as long as they're following the stoke!
  • Len at ScienceLen at Science
    April 2009
    then you still get times where Marchel Habbit, Mike van Huysteen and me (all over 45 year old) surf (bodyboard) together and having a jol of a lifetime. We surfed Kakerlak on Saturday and there were a 32 year differance between the oldest and youngest rider, all having fun. just chill and keep on bodyboarding. we only stand up for our friends.
  • Spy Dude
    April 2009
    Why limit yourself to one dicipline? Thats a little myoptic. Experience it all, lifes to short, live it.
    Also people change, it happens.

    I dig my booger
    I dig my stand up

    same as
    I dig my mountain bike
    and i dig my road bike
    (although my road bikes is my mountain bike, just with slick tyres -- but thats irrelvent)
  • that NINJA kid
    April 2009
    I totally agree, everyone should do as much in the sea as they can that;ll keep them happy but why leave your sponge behind completely?
  • sampisampi
    April 2009
    I do a little bit 'o both myself... but in my case I would always prefer to boogie. I surf when it is junk or too soft to boogie.

    I have realized that it isn't only a matter of getting better, although that does count (and considering I can barely go right, I have mucho to improve on). It is a mind set; the way I have to approach the wave when I am on the boog. Doing a hundred cutties and off the lips etc on surfboard is as boring as doing it on a boogie for me. There is that element of fun, but it isn't the same thing.

    I prefer the type of waves we ride, the fact that you are always looking for the critical / heaviest section to hit. The approach is completely different on a surfboard.

    Maybe I am spoiled because Plett has so many fun boogie waves.

    What bothers me is that people don't realize they don't HAVE to choose one or the other. You can do both and get good at both. I am all for riding the right vehicle for the conditions but when it comes down to it I am always searching for the best waves to boogie.
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