Daniel Worsley
Neels Smit photo

posted by nlz on Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Daniel Worsley

What a Bomb!



3rd June 2007 19:22
Just a taste of what this spot offers to us...
even better with NO CROWD! :) (would love to know how hard this wave SPAT!??)
Stephan BeckerStephan Becker
31st May 2007 16:15
obese wave(dunno how to spell sorry)
shaun/westcoastShaun Sobey
31st May 2007 08:59
OOO much resect u gotta love that wave people i mean look at that pit just waiting to spit aaah i lovit!!!!!!nice 1 daniel
KleavageJoshua Kleve
18th April 2007 08:37
Glorious days... nice dan, thats a fatty.
TiaanKTiaan Kriegler
17th April 2007 15:10

Photo Details

Rider:South Africa Daniel Worsley photos
Photographer:South Africa Neels Smit photos


Rank #104

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