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Contest Updates

  • Subterrainean
    October 2009
    Really been digging the updates on the SA Champs. Really easy to find out whats going on, and to actually follow the progress of the comp. And updated regularly.
    Waves seem to have been decent as well for a change...:D
    Setting a good example as to what the coverage should be like, well done!

Bodyboarding 684 views

5 Replies

  • Inky
    October 2009
    Yes Ian is turning into a real little Riaan Cruywagen!!

  • KellyKelly
    October 2009
    Subterrainean wrote:
    Really been digging the updates on the SA Champs. Really easy to find out whats going on, and to actually follow the progress of the comp. And updated regularly.
    Waves seem to have been decent as well for a change...:D
    Setting a good example as to what the coverage should be like, well done!

    Thanks bru ... the contest updates is something I've been wanting to do for a while and I thought I'd give it a go and use this event as a test and aim to get all events using the system. Derek has been helping out at the event by posting all the updates through a mobile interface which I developed to input and unfortunately some of the spots have been lacking in mobile coverage so he's been having to take a bit of a walk to be able to post the results.

    The system is hooked up through the Twitter API and posts live to the account and then there's an RSS feed to syndicate the feed. ... php?id=332

    This feed is syndicated to our Facebook page and our Twitter account and can be used by anyone in any number of means - the simplest being if you has a Reader, just add the feed.

    The contest has had some great daily coverage (nice shots Mr Thurtell!) --- so hats off to the organisors for making sure they have a good photographer at the event.

    To me - approaching it in this manner is starting with the basic building blocks. Too many comps go and put up a live webcast but then they don't have the live followers and you can't watch at a later time when you're off work. These updates are here to stay and you can view them now, tomorrow or years down the line as a historical record of the event.

    I literally started developing this a few days before the contest in my spare time so promoting it was not an option but we've noticed a marked increase in traffic to the contest page and with a little bit of effort - e.g. creating widgets to add to other sites or blogs and encouraging their use - we can really push these updates and get more exposure for the events.

    So it seems a success and I'll be trying to encourage as many events as I can to use it in future.

    Stoked to have been able to help get this out there but if anything, it's been great following all the news myself and I'll be looking to try improve the quality of the updates by putting some guidelines together for anyone who will be using.
  • iammonster
    October 2009
    yeah good work guys!!!!

    Really is awesome, love the blow by blows, like updating after each wave, really great for those of us in the office behind computers all day wishing we were at the comp....haha

    Again great job Kelly and Riaan......urr Ian! haha
  • ronald911ronald911
    October 2009
    Just came across this on the
    What happened up the West Coast recently? What's this nonsense of grown men punching and trying to drown kids at the body board SA Champs?10:30 AM Sep 29th from TweetDeck

    What the hell are they trying to say??? :? :? :?
  • doclach
    October 2009
    Great gear alright Kelly. Have been following t all the way through. Really clear and easy to follow (Pretty schmick having it feed straight into the sixty40 page also). Congrats mate.

    Tonight in Sydney was the premiere of the 2009 SIC movie. That meant I got to catch up with some industry folks who were pretty interested in what you've set up with the combined twitter/RSS feed.

    Also some fella by the name of Jared Housten was there 8) Jerry has been watching the updates and said how it is the first time in 8 years (from memory) that he hasn't been at the SA champs and how through the accurate and frequent updates he felt in touch with it all. There was so much stoke in his voice about it.

    Also props to Ian Thurtell who did some good write-ups on the comps, Ian sets a good atmosphere at the start of the read. When we surf down the South Coast reeefs here in winter we have some freezing, body-numbing starts too and related to a lot of what Ian wrote through his excellent phrasing.

    Also the pics were quickly uploaded (nice work elementree) and the were what i call a lot of 'lifestyle' pics (pics that aren't empties or boogs but related to the event) . The pics of the mini groms really added some feelgood vibe to the whole scenario and gave an idea that there was more than just the raw comp happening.

    Overall I'm left with the impression of genuine interest from readers, writers and participants in the SA champs. Totally rad 8) 8)
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