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Issue 9 - what are your thoughts?

  • doclach
    August 2009
    STOKED - my first hard copy of Sixty40 was waiting at home when I came home from work late tonight.

    I took out a subby for 2 reasons, the first being the obvious that I froth on Booger gear :) , the second being that you guys (mag crew and forumers) have given me such a warm welcome :D and I use the forum even though not a Saffa. So is a good thing to chip in from the ol' pocket in some way.

    Jerry super-tweaked on the cover is a super-sick start.The preview looked good online, but the look, smell and feel of a mag is like nothing else IMO.

    Inside cover is a rad double page shot - usually space reserved for ads in other mags, that was a sweet surprise - same on inside back cover. mega impressed.

    Nice spread of news coverage - Tamega, team signings, world events - Peru, SIC, Pipe,

    Always like hearing about new products and the Island Style write-up had the words that are music to my booger ears:
    I totally froth on developments in our sport and i feel it went through too big of a lag period for too many years, especially with accessories, where we were only offered stuff for 'kids', not for big blokes driving into heaving pits and getting the crap beaten out of us by mother ocean. The last couple of years only we are really being offered next gen quality items, and that is only through companies putting some of their cash into R&D (read: caring about our sport) and doing that valuable thing - LISTENING to the riders (team level types) and responding. Personally i make sure products I use come form Co.'s that do this - not say it, DO it.

    Ads - Lizzard was sick cos most of the page was Mac doing his massive thing, product well placed so as not to spoil a good pic. reef had a nicely centered pic by Mike DC of a fella called JP Notier - whom I don't know - but do know of now cos the rider and photog are clearly named (in Oz a lot of ads skip crediting the photog and even the rider sometimes, which I personally don't agree with... but there are winds of change). Factory 7 have a lot of info so they are politely and wisely set as side-bands, rather than a whole page of 'data', good arrangement that - and I read each strip cos it was in small blocks, so didn't become uninteresting. Surf shop directory would be handy for new crew to boog to see what is around. Booger (Ian Ostler by Cracker) AND chicky babe for island style - nice combo 8) . Rossi pic - sickkkkk. Sweet to see Thurston in the nomad ad, as I have his interview sitting in my inbox for the rippy forum (haha, I'm meant to be getting that organised instead of writing this, but I'm forthing on the mag too much, haha)

    IForum - my fave section this issue - cos i got to see the faces of some of the forum users. I'm a person that relates well when i can put a face to a name and i was all smiles at seeing pics of people familliar from here like Morrisminor, Len, spydude, Scarecrow (whose board doesnt get elbow dints..haha..cracker pic), inky (obvious namesake) and iammonster - you are booger clothing co., so i dunno if that is you bru or fella with one of your tee's on? Sad news is u fellas look even more like the proverbial "Dropped meat pie" (aussie expression for your mate's faces) next to the genetic lottery winner "Katerina" :lol:

    Barrier reef pics - they're super fresh to us Oz crew too, cos very few trips run there due to its fickleness. There is a rider in there, Nick Ormerod, who was in SIC (perforated his eardrum) - if u want to read a bit more about him i just did his interview on the rippy forum a couple of weeks ago.

    Megawatts - great write-up Gareth and the mag gave him heaps of space for me to browse through the words and pics. So stoked to learn more about your top name riders (we don't get much info about them here) . really liked the way the story wove through the SABA circuit. props.

    Pics, pics and more pics - yum! good mix of DK shots too - big 'Yew' to that - getting 'em run in the Oz mags is like pulling teeth (one of my open criticisms of the last rippy was only one dk shot)

    Billy Tenant - another new name to my list. Good q's on the D-rex Ian. Very real.

    The Project - that sort of stuff is soooo good for newcomers to the game. Clear illustrations with text that was NOT written in a condescending way (which stuff for beginners often is and that riles me). It might be 30 years since I was a raw beginner, but i am very critical of these articles, because it is one of the key introductions to new blood in BB, which we all were at one time. Too many riders leave because it is perceived at times as a 'kids sport' (we all know that one aye) so well produced items like this give a good start to riders 'maturing' in the water faster.

    The Farmer - love some random 'lifestyle' stuff, props to Rob for workin and boogin hard nd making the haul to the water (sick shot Damo)

    Haole Conversations - heaps of gear in there, I actually want to read it over a couple more times, good writing Damo - great insight to the financial struggle of the Saffas v the aussie spon'd groms who seem to be on a much better dollar platter and some good ideas put forward to review sponsor structures for the top riders. All accompanied with some good yarns form the rock - and that cave Jerry is in is a mental shot, perfect perspective on the internally foaming aspect of a wave I've seen a thousand times by luke shadbot.

    I'm probs biased or something here cos it is my first Sixty40 issue in hardcopy, but pretty damn stoked. Would be pretty rad to hear some of the local readers thoughts.

    Thanks to everyone who has put this world-class mag together. Representing SA BB with respect.


Sixty40 Bodyboarding Magazine 2,251 views

21 Replies

  • morrisminormorrisminor
    August 2009
    I just know he is referring to you other 'dropped meat pie' dudes. Haven't seen my picture in the mag, but I ALWAYS look hothothot. Especially from the depths of Europe, stressed and in work clothes.

    May have to subscribe, i think.
  • Inky
    August 2009
    Hey I think they used the pic from a road trip to Port Alfred with two mates, need I say more, good times good times. Besides, looking rough is "in" this season. Hmmmmmmmmmm meat pie.........

    P.S I still can't find a shop with the mag!!!!
  • iammonster
    August 2009
    ahhhh frothing to see it man!!!

    Where can i get it, i subscribe but always dig to buy one cos i can never wait....haha
  • BillybusterBillybuster
    August 2009
    Super amped to get the mag!! Woooo gonna be mental! Need 2 brush up on my reading!! The CNA said it will be in @ Gateway on Sunday, August 30th. Super amped!! Mick i need 2 order a shirt from you! Gotta support those who support you!! Good times...
  • iammonster
    August 2009
    yeeeeeeeeeeeewwww just got my copy!
    Again blown away guys the mag is insane!!!!!!!!
    congrats! I was chatting to some friends the other day who don't bodyboard but both work at graphic design agencies both were blown away by the layout and how stylish the mag is! So good congrats guys!!
    Everyone else, go and subscribe its so quick and easy!! support the mag if you want to continue reading such a sick publication!

    If any of you guys liked the tees that Mark Watts was wearing throughout the magazine then please visit for some more 100% bodyboarding threads! You can also follow our movements at, sign up with blogger and follow us!

    yeah billy, shot for the support man!! Visit the site and let me know which tees you want and i will come deliver them to you at the wavehouse... service with a smile mate...haha
  • iammonster
    August 2009
    oh and yeah that is me in the pic doclach. haha

    dude thanks for showing such an interest in sixty40 and saffa bodyboarding in general really is cool man!!
    Also for exposing some of our boys on the rippies forum yeeew!
  • sampisampi
    August 2009
    Thanks for all the positive feedback y'all.
    Mucho Appreciated.

    As for any of you who have not received your copies yet, please get in touch with us (well actually Ian) directly - [email protected]
  • doclach
    August 2009
    Iammonster, as we say here:
    "no bloody worries mate"
    It is my absolute pleasure to join in the fun happening over there. Quality all 'round too.
    I hope to get some more Saffa riders interviewed on the forum soon, it's just a time thing my end at the moment. Onya for backing booga riders and supplying some sick threads.

    Please excuse my ignorance (but i am new here, haha) Billybuster are you Billy Tenant from the mag feature on D-rex?

    Ian - lots of positive to feedback on fo sure - mad team you have there. I have booger friends coming around this arvo with a critical eye and can't wait to show 'em the quality (seeing as one of them will then be told they are receiving a subby for their birthday pressie, (ha - that will be a froth moment) if it is good enough to give to a best mate who is crew for a pres, that speaks volumes in itself.

    Keep up the sickkkkk work 8) 8)

  • SmTSmT
    August 2009
    The mag is sick, well done guys. Have only paged through it briefly and read a couple sections but it's looking good, super bummed now that I've got to start waiting again till the next issue comes out.
    My only gripe is the spelling and made up words, somebody needs to proof read the mag before it goes to print.
    Otherwise, keep up the good work People, can't wait for the next issue so get back to work and stop wasting time reading this, haha!
  • BillybusterBillybuster
    September 2009
    Yeah the Mag is MADness!!!!! Really good photo's and write-ups... Wattsy - you got some gnarly azz pits man! & centre fold shot - flip was and is mad!! Was so stoked to catch up with my reading & to see some sick shots & keep me entertained 4 awhile....haha!

    Ian - good Job mate & the rest of the Sixty40 crew, you guys are keeping the stoke alive just as all of us boogers are by spreading the word of booger love, getting waves, getting "the shot" & just hanging out @ contests & beach...Just having a good time!! Also wanna give a shout out & thanks to Karl Liebenberg 4 what he is doing in the durban area with getting all the school kids involved in bodyboarding... Friday avvies & saturday morning sessions!! Good stuff...

    Yeah Doc - I am Billy Tennant.
  • doclach
    September 2009
    Sick Billy, thought it might be you. Another face I can put to a name (and some solid rep in this case). Though i won't recognise u if you don't have a big fat R1000 cheque over your head - so you better carry that around :wink:

    Jerry's cover shot was taken by Hawaiian legend photog Mo Aubuchon (Good friend of Danny Black who you guys will know from posting pics here). I dropped a note over to Mo congratulating him on the score and about the air Jerry manages to get.

    Mo wrote back:
    "He goes BIG!"

    When that comes from one of the most reputable Hawaiian photogs about a rider in the home break he photographs all year, you know it is true - and respect!
  • Scarecrow
    September 2009

    @ Doclach: Glad u liked the pic of me in the mag dude, haha. That was from a super fun shorey session WAY down south in Cape Town with a couple of my mates. I can't remeber who was taking the photos...I think it was prob one of the lads' girls! We had been in the water a while and I took a wave that just didn't end up all that great, so I decided to joke around instead...and it was caught on camera :lol:

    Bodyboarding is what keeps me sane!!! I love the fact that you can just paddle out and mess around and laugh at yourself and your mates, or go out and rip it up and bust huge. It's always tons of fun and no two surfs are ever the same!

    PS: I got one or two photos from the same shorey that I will post up here if the photog says its ok. Oh yeah, and my board has got some pretty deep elbow dings :wink:
  • Spy Dude
    September 2009
    man i need to find this issue somewhere.....
    Had my first kiff surf in months this past weekend at the most random of waves.
    Still on bussing on the stoke... lets just say 5-7 second barrels in a shory that was totally makable.
  • jbs
    September 2009
    Loved the issue, great work as usual guys!

    My few thoughts as a reader were:

    Spelling spelling spelling; poor spelling can make any good mag feel cheap. To see errors like this without opening the mag is a let down. Sixty40 mag is looking so awesome so please don't allow "easy" mistakes to become the norm.

    Miscellaneous section was nicely spaced out with a decent mix of content and pictures.

    Adverts from the retail guys were great. Though the Reef ad could have had a better image, great design layout on the ad but come on I wanna see the advertised product in 6 foot death barrels or strapped to the rider 4 feet above the lip!

    IFORUM layout was great, gives the web forum a bit of exposure whilst tackling an interesting topic.

    Barrier Reef article had some amazing photos but a couple of detailed captions would've really rounded it out nicely.

    MegaWatts article was nicely written and easy to follow, complimented by some great pics. I'm being a bit pedantic now but I wasn't a fan of how the event sponsors logos were layed out/displayed, added a bit of blandness to those 3 pages. I know keeping the sponsors happy and giving exposure is a large part of keeping the contest scene well nourished financially, I'm just saying that a sacrifice of layout or design to the extent that it could detract noticeably from an article is maybe not worth it in the long run, find a happy medium rather. Two or three extra pics would've, in my eyes, looked cleaner.

    Getshot was fantastic, great eye candy! would love to see some sequence shots though, even a handful of thumbnail size mini shots with the money shot as the full pager? But I assume that's totally dependent on how the sequence as a whole looks.

    Flow Pro was great, Wesleys boost is just mental!

    The Project was informative and I'm sure the younger guys and guys who're just starting out are appreciative of these articles. Even those who've been in the water for a while can learn a thing or 2 from these. How about creating an archive on the sixty40 site tailored towards the guys who are new to the sport, consisting of past/present/upcoming Project articles as well as a beginners guide to correct gear selection and maybe some mellow surfspots in a few of the main coastal cities around SA. You package all this together under one section and use it as one part educational tool for development projects and one part promotional tool for bodyboarding as a sport.

    The Farmer was superb, so different yet it went down a treat, keep it coming guys!

    Haole Conversations: Damon, bru, that is the best article I've read in Sixty40 mag since its inception. I felt like a grom reading the Hawaii feature in the old SA bodyboarding mag, it was absolutely brilliant, and funny as, well done again.

    And as per usual the first and last double page spreads were crackers.

    Hope the above commentary and suggestions help, I do mean it to be upbuilding to the mag and its contributors and in no way is it meant to offend anyone.
    Well done guys lets make the next mag even better!
  • doclach
    September 2009
    @Scarecrow (I know what that means now cos Sampi sent me a message the other day on the twitter thing saying that '@' thing and i looked it up. I will end up being a geek yet ..haha)
    yeah fo sure stuff like that is mad - be sure to put those pics up man. I have some from last year where my son and I went camping up the coast and it was flat as my fish tank so we were doing run-ins - some meannnn cutties :twisted: :wink: One of my fave ever youtube clips is Fred Booth doing that ride at Newport wedge sitting on his board with his legs crossed.

    I'm totally down with everything everything you said about boog scarecrow - shot!

    JBS - that project idea as an archive is pretty rad IMO. I'm always aware of what the new-comers to our sport need to get a good shoe-in and minimise kookness, There is always talk of why riders leave booger, but I have a theory that a lot of it is about new riders not getting chaperoned by more experienced riders enough, as does happen in stand-up. Part of the reason being there aren't many of us longer-term riders around (compared to how many longer term stand-ups are around) to do it (cos many went to stand-up, hence the viscious circle) and is rare for it to be passed down in the family (again like stick riding often is). Like i said, only a theory, but if this is so, article series like this help 'coach' newer riders forward and give (potentially) more competence to new crew. More relevant for those that can't make coaching clinics like the one pictured with Mac in the MegaWatts article - total sickness. We need more of those in Oz. I was always taught that if you make some steps ahead, take time to reach back and help another up also.

    More competence = more respect and confidence for each sponger = stronger sport 8)

    (Scarecrow you should be in charge of arms-in-the-air booga moves clinic, mad bugger haha :lol: )
  • Len at ScienceLen at Science
    September 2009
    Maybe the Pro's should start a program of adopt a grom. we will be running such a program this forthcoming SA Champs with the development riders. you as a Pro do have so much knowlege to hand over (is this the right way to say it?). this way you guys will create a new generation of riders that's on a different level. use it or not.
  • Inky
    September 2009
    That's a pretty sweet idea Len. We can never stop learning, I wish I had one of my hero's as a teacher growing up. I had to figure it out for myself and that is time consuming.
  • iammonster
    September 2009

    Bro adopt a grom sunds like an absolutley brilliant idea!!!

    But not just at SA's, an all year thing, one grom with one pro.
    Just mission together go surf together Perfect way for the groms mate!!
  • SmTSmT
    September 2009
    Good Idea Len, I've been helping 2 Groms from the KwaMashu area for the past year or so, trying to get them the right kit, pointing them in the right direction and teaching them the ropes.
    It's crazy to see the amount of STOKE these kids have, reminds me of the days when I started out, surfing all day no matter what the conditions and having new moves to practice all the time.
    I'm more than happy and proud to say that one of the Kids, Nathi, was selected for the CKZN Team this year, on merit, none of that Development rubbish. He's said to me that excitement doesn't even begin to explain how he feels.
    So if there's any of the Corporate guys out there or anyone in general who'd be willing to help get this kid to CT for the time of his life, please please let me know.
    Just to get the ball rolling, i've paid for his Flight down but unfortunately there's still a few expenses with regards to accommodation, etc.
    Thanks, that's the feel good story for the day, another stoked kid learning to have fun!
  • lyle
    September 2009
    got my issue last night! man, now i understand why theres so much hype- its craziness man! i ditto everything said before my post! great job sixty40 crew. keen to read the farmer. next time ill send you guys a pic of me tackling my pig :!:

    good work guys!
  • doclach
    September 2009
    I gifted a subby to a close friend and received the following note"

    "yeah its the best b'day pressie ever thanks Doc..."

    ya can't beat that (Riptide and Movement are standard reading comparisons btw)

    The Barrier Reef segment ran in rippy and 6040 - a few of us agreed that 6040 did a better job of it. that's not to put RT down, but just to show the standard the saffa mag is running at.

    As my best mate, (who is a cranky, fussy bastard who has been booging for decades on driest heaving reefs and with a good eye) simply said when I showed him my issue:
    "f#####g good mag"

    nuff said 8)
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