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To stay or not?

  • Kevin Williams
    July 2009
    To stay or not? That is the question. How many people still have faith in this wonderful country of ours? Who has left and will never return and why? Who has come back? Is life over there realy as good as some say?

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9 Replies

  • morrisminormorrisminor
    July 2009
    um....Kev....I am crying to come back. My opnion:

    If you have a house, a car and a cool little life, and aren't too scared every day, then stay. I am in a real pleasant (ahem) part of Europe, in the forests of Netherlands, and every day I think of home and wish i had set up there.Good surf in some parts, but you probably need french,spanish or portuguese if you plan on living better than a backpacker. No offense, backpacking is cool and all, but not for years at a time.

    I am returning. On a mission to get some funding to study in Durban (oh yeah....Europe is farily proicey once you move out of shared houses), and plan on staying and working in SA....near the coast.

    If you want to be rich, have a rel business plan and skills, then Europe is cool. If you are in a position to get paid highly (think: Mr. Visser and Application Packaging) then yes, taihiti, cook islands, hawaii,indo,aus,NZ etc awaits (God, I really hate Wade nowadays...I need to get some surf, but again, Europe is fairly expensive when renting at 920 euros a month).

    Otherwise, you are looking at a mission without the only form of meditation or escape most of us use, the sea, buddies and braais. So you need to have a mission. Mine is to come home.

    Well done on SA's Kev. Oh, I am not sure there is a lot of cash in the contest scene ehre, but you could come over and give Darren a bit of competition if you want.

    Any jobs on the coast for Morris?
  • morrisminormorrisminor
    July 2009
    um....Kev....I am crying to come back. My opnion:

    If you have a house, a car and a cool little life, and aren't too scared every day, then stay. I am in a real pleasant (ahem) part of Europe, in the forests of Netherlands, and every day I think of home and wish i had set up there.Good surf in some parts, but you probably need french,spanish or portuguese if you plan on living better than a backpacker. No offense, backpacking is cool and all, but not for years at a time.

    I am returning. On a mission to get some funding to study in Durban (oh yeah....Europe is farily proicey once you move out of shared houses), and plan on staying and working in SA....near the coast.

    If you want to be rich, have a rel business plan and skills, then Europe is cool. If you are in a position to get paid highly (think: Mr. Visser and Application Packaging) then yes, taihiti, cook islands, hawaii,indo,aus,NZ etc awaits (God, I really hate Wade nowadays...I need to get some surf, but again, Europe is fairly expensive when renting at 920 euros a month).

    Otherwise, you are looking at a mission without the only form of meditation or escape most of us use, the sea, buddies and braais. So you need to have a mission. Mine is to come home.

    Well done on SA's Kev. Oh, I am not sure there is a lot of cash in the contest scene ehre, but you could come over and give Darren a bit of competition if you want.

    Any jobs on the coast for Morris?
  • morrisminormorrisminor
    July 2009
    um....Kev....I am crying to come back. My opnion:

    If you have a house, a car and a cool little life, and aren't too scared every day, then stay. I am in a real pleasant (ahem) part of Europe, in the forests of Netherlands, and every day I think of home and wish i had set up there.Good surf in some parts, but you probably need french,spanish or portuguese if you plan on living better than a backpacker. No offense, backpacking is cool and all, but not for years at a time.

    I am returning. On a mission to get some funding to study in Durban (oh yeah....Europe is farily proicey once you move out of shared houses), and plan on staying and working in SA....near the coast.

    If you want to be rich, have a rel business plan and skills, then Europe is cool. If you are in a position to get paid highly (think: Mr. Visser and Application Packaging) then yes, taihiti, cook islands, hawaii,indo,aus,NZ etc awaits (God, I really hate Wade nowadays...I need to get some surf, but again, Europe is fairly expensive when renting at 920 euros a month).

    Otherwise, you are looking at a mission without the only form of meditation or escape most of us use, the sea, buddies and braais. So you need to have a mission. Mine is to come home.

    Well done on SA's Kev. Oh, I am not sure there is a lot of cash in the contest scene ehre, but you could come over and give Darren a bit of competition if you want.

    Any jobs on the coast for Morris?
  • morrisminormorrisminor
    July 2009
    um....Kev....I am crying to come back. My opnion:

    If you have a house, a car and a cool little life, and aren't too scared every day, then stay. I am in a real pleasant (ahem) part of Europe, in the forests of Netherlands, and every day I think of home and wish i had set up there.Good surf in some parts, but you probably need french,spanish or portuguese if you plan on living better than a backpacker. No offense, backpacking is cool and all, but not for years at a time.

    I am returning. On a mission to get some funding to study in Durban (oh yeah....Europe is farily proicey once you move out of shared houses), and plan on staying and working in SA....near the coast.

    If you want to be rich, have a rel business plan and skills, then Europe is cool. If you are in a position to get paid highly (think: Mr. Visser and Application Packaging) then yes, taihiti, cook islands, hawaii,indo,aus,NZ etc awaits (God, I really hate Wade nowadays...I need to get some surf, but again, Europe is fairly expensive when renting at 920 euros a month).

    Otherwise, you are looking at a mission without the only form of meditation or escape most of us use, the sea, buddies and braais. So you need to have a mission. Mine is to come home.

    Well done on SA's Kev. Oh, I am not sure there is a lot of cash in the contest scene ehre, but you could come over and give Darren a bit of competition if you want.

    Any jobs on the coast for Morris?
  • morrisminormorrisminor
    July 2009
    um....Kev....I am crying to come back. My opnion:

    If you have a house, a car and a cool little life, and aren't too scared every day, then stay. I am in a real pleasant (ahem) part of Europe, in the forests of Netherlands, and every day I think of home and wish i had set up there.Good surf in some parts, but you probably need french,spanish or portuguese if you plan on living better than a backpacker. No offense, backpacking is cool and all, but not for years at a time.

    I am returning. On a mission to get some funding to study in Durban (oh yeah....Europe is farily proicey once you move out of shared houses), and plan on staying and working in SA....near the coast.

    If you want to be rich, have a rel business plan and skills, then Europe is cool. If you are in a position to get paid highly (think: Mr. Visser and Application Packaging) then yes, taihiti, cook islands, hawaii,indo,aus,NZ etc awaits (God, I really hate Wade nowadays...I need to get some surf, but again, Europe is fairly expensive when renting at 920 euros a month).

    Otherwise, you are looking at a mission without the only form of meditation or escape most of us use, the sea, buddies and braais. So you need to have a mission. Mine is to come home.

    Well done on SA's Kev. Oh, I am not sure there is a lot of cash in the contest scene ehre, but you could come over and give Darren a bit of competition if you want.

    Any jobs on the coast for Morris?
  • Count Olaf
    July 2009
    Go. The only way you will ever appreciate it is to be away from it. Worked for me and most of the people I have spoken to.
  • Jared HoustonJared Houston
    July 2009

    I havent lived overseas for years in shitty london or anything nor have I done anything hardcore.
    But I have been lucky enough to cruise in hawaii for 2 months and now I have been in Australia travelling and surfing with the best.


    if anything my travels have taught me how sick our life in saffa is.
    Yes its dangerous and a bit backwards,but it is still all time.ALL TIME.

    There will come a time when saffa becomes a but dangerous,but for now its sweet.
  • Chinnychinchin
    July 2009
    "Where a mans heart is there his treasure will be also".....

    My heart is here and my country is worth fighting for, to have the mentality that "if it gets bad we'll just emmigrate", I think is a defeated mentality and if thats your mindset, you've already left, you're just looking for an excuse. Crime is HECTIC here and we've all been affected by it, but guess what?? it's bad all over the world, sure there are wierd places that have almost no crime at all, but no doubt they'll have other major problems for sure. There is no UTOPIA, we have to carve out our existance in this world, with hard work, blood, sweat and tears, no matter where we live. Everyone flocked to the UK, AUS, NZ, USA ect for a better life and loads have found it, but as many as have found a "better life" that same number have found, rediculously high cost of living , intolerance toward foreigners, language problems, high taxes, corruption in government, crime, racisim ect ect ect. I'm not unrealistic and I think that there are challenges here in SA and good jobs are VERY hard to find and I know that some people have had no choice but to look for work in another country or got a really good job overseas, I'm not reffering to those know what they say,"it's only greener on the other side cause there is more shite"....hahahahaha

    EVERYONE I know that lives overseas does nothing but save up to come here on holiday or begs you to come on holiday to their what does that say about "overseas"? A friend of mine recently packed up lock-stock and barrel to emmigrate to NZ.....she hated every minute and was back in 3 months. I mean no disrespect to NZ or anywhere else, but the is NO PLACE LIKE SA.

    One thing I must say that really just absolutely annoys the hell out of me is people living choice....having all these indepth opinions about the political situation in SA or crime or corruption or whatever, telling us who actually live here how crappy SA "is", offloading nothing but negativity.....WHEN THEY DON'T EVEN LIVE HERE!!!! That just bugs me to the point of going freakin supernova, it's like they are trying to justify why they left in the first place, "see I told you so" kind of crap. If you have emmigrated concentrate on your own country please.

    I say, no matter where in the world you live, make the most of your life cause you only get one chance.....get involved in your community (where ever that may be) and of course, please vote (if you're a citizen).
  • lyle
    July 2009
    hey, theres no denying our government is craap! theres been no new infrastructure built- ie water is getting dirtier, some areas dont have running water anymore, blackouts, sewage flowing into rivers, rubbish not being collected etc. even yesterday, we had a down pour. most roads flooded because our local government doesnt clean our drains, pavements and roads. and they cant maintain either! what we had is deteriorating!and lets not talk about crime, fraude and government members spending millions on facy cars where they could buy a average car and sposor aome blankets or clothing to the poor. instead they expect you and i to do that!

    BUT, when youve been overseas you realise that complaining doesnt help. its just creates a negative vibe. enjoy what you have. i have a decent job, car,a roof over my head,awsome family and awsome mates!i surf literally 5 days of the week. jol hockey in winter, cricket in summer. we have braais, braais on the beach! we have open space! big yards, great weather, swimming pools in our backyards! boerewors!!!!! windhoek! and theres plenty of opportunity in our country!

    we have a new president, forget his reputation. he has made some good choices in personell. our rand is the strongest its been in 11 months because of investor confidence in our new reserve bank laeder. just maybe he might do us some good inbetween all the bad.

    and, just maybe, if we all stoped complaining there wouldnt be so much bitterness, negativity and hatred in SA.

    smile boys! enjoy life!
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