Douglas Cockwell


Username:Douglas Cockwell
Riding Since:1982 (42 Years)
Hometown:ZA Durban, South Africa
Current Location:DE Braunschweig, Germany
Local Surfspots:ZA Cave Rock, ZA North Beach, ZA Koeel Bay (Caves)
Riding Style:60% Prone, 35% Dropknee (Stance: Natural), 5% Standup (Stance: Natural)

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Favourites & Interests

Favourite Videos:No Friends, Ryan Hardy, The Inside (1996)
Favourite Bands:Johnny Clegg, Linkin Park, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Sublime, Tom Petty
Other Interests:Chess, Downhill Skateboarding, Freedom, Friends, Living, Meeting New People, Photography


Douglas's travel map
AU AustraliaBR BrazilFR France
DE Germany HawaiiID Indonesia
IT ItalyJP JapanLS Lesotho
MY MalaysiaMX MexicoMZ Mozambique
PT PortugalSG SingaporeES Spain
UK United KingdomUS United StatesZM Zambia
ZW Zimbabwe  

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Douglas Cockwell

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4times favourited
6rider photos with 20,226 views
4photographer photos with 8,417 views
4 photos posted with 9,376 views

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