Joshua Kleve at Super Tubes
Megan Moore photo

posted by Kleavage on Sunday, 7 January 2007

Joshua Kleve at Super Tubes

About to roll off a larger one



dcmikeMike Dei-Cont
20th May 2007 00:43
DaneDane Stirrat
8th January 2007 16:52
haha, i surfed SOLID seals this day as couldn't get out to supers, but when I got back home I look off my balcony and there is Jono Mellish's board completely snapped in half lying on his lawn...shame my brutha, atleast you ous were giving it horns at 6-8' supers...respect. Jerry was also out that day, didnt something happen to him??? cheerio

Photo Details

Rider:South Africa Joshua Kleve photos
Surfspot:Jefferys Bay, Eastern Province, South Africa Super Tubes photos
Photographer:South Africa Megan Moore photos



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