Konky Dong
Anthony Krige photo

posted by Anthony Krige on Saturday, 17 June 2006

Konky Dong

His style sucks....but what a wave!



26th January 2008 02:11
Ah bro get outta here, like owes are really going to know when to surf it anyway, there are too many factors for it...well i'm going to carry on surfing it, if there are a million guys or not...i just want to progress and thats one of the places to do it...Laters
MichelleDanielsMichelle Daniels
9th January 2008 19:03
Funny Jimmypop?? Ah, possibly to some degree for
some—kidding--intriguing. Actually, I was initially cringing at where this had the appearance of going--pretty ugly from what I have routinely seen on some OTHER forums. WoWEEEEE! I'm in ahhhh and amazement==Incredable outcome and I should say, not surprising, from what I have observed as routine out of South Africa! Refreshing! Great job guys and Kelly as well for overseeing things so well!! You all appear to exercise such admirable control and respect for each other in taking the high road out of potentially, sticky, ugly situations! I love your passion and watchful care/attitude toward the upcoming groms and younger riders as well. You all, for the most part, exude sensitivity awareness and character qualities of a "real man" on top of being stunning, eye-catching Watermen observed by the world, with your skills! I hope your "lady friends" take note and appreciate what they've got in you guys, as it is something to take note of and of rare, unfortunate existence. I must add, that I feel very content, extremely blessed and fortunate to have such a wonderful husband, of 25 years, who has eagerly, positively, respectfully and patiently, loved and supported me, especially through my accident rehabilitation/7 surgeries--of recent months and prayerfully my last, next week. Sorry--this is not about me and I apologize for my continual tendency to ramble—the inherent tendency of a head injury I desperately wish I could curb, often brought on, out of boredom! Must “stay busy” But this is about YOU ALL --with the display of these highly regarded, unfortunately rare, attributes--impressive! I imagine you will have ladies from all around the planet in search of a "real man", coming to South Africa. :) Hahah! I could see it now, a reality TV show--Or maybe the next edition of "The Bachelor" and call it
Not to mention the sweet accent and the escape to the beauty/serenity of the country/coast as well. Adding to that; “The world’s best, kept secret”. (Well, maybe not any more, with those of us caring a genuine “stoke” for it) **In all fairness, I should say I have run into a handful of equally, impressive outsiders. It should never be a discouragement or looked at as a bummer, that SA may be viewed by some, as "behind the times". I see it as a positive plus, that you all have not been infected by the reality of such an obtrusive, degrading atmosphere of the “bling” on the outside. Maybe initially enticing to some, however, capable of producing damaging affects that ultimately catch up to many who do not stay focused and are consumed-- :( Just always remember that in difficult times, the positive that can come out of it: A strength builder to your character and possessing the potential ability of seeing things, a bit more clearly. ;) If you have not already discovered and often it is as one gets older, that it is not the material things that make a person content and complete. However it is the relationships sustained with others and the candid, sometime’s surprise, acts of kindness, you can do for other’s, that are the most powerful and satisfying. Guranteed pleasure and satisfaction, that is very fulfilling.
and some of you young guns are probably thinking blah, blah, blah and here she goes again :) I know--I have 3 teenage daughter's of my own--mom's mean well ;)
A wise man often learns and takes note of other’s who have troden on before…
--on record--the longest comment? oops
duncancampbellDuncan Campbell
8th January 2008 23:12
cheers guys, this is actually quite funny. firstly lets not come hard at james, the kid absolutely shreds an is the next big hope for the bay, so lets not worry about this towns worst kept surfing secret, everyone here knows about it, but its super fickle an not many surf there anyway. anthony, u are entitled to ur own opinion, an im sure u did surf it 95, but as u can understand that is one of two places that i def know how to surf so when i see stupid comments like that on the net of course im going to say something.i have been surfin there since 99 more then anyone an havent seen many, one or two here an there. so we leave it at that.im sure u a good oke. peace
Anthony KrigeAnthony Krige
29th December 2007 04:38
I'm the photographer and I consider this photo as one of my best. It's a pitty tho that the rider is a twat, who thinks that he's the only ou to have ever surfed this spot. The first time i surfed this spot was way back in 95 with Corne Snyders and Gunther Plate. You might not have seen me there before this time but thats cos i was travelling the globe for 5 years prior. Just like "jimmypoop" i ike to stay under the radar. Jimmy's not a bad rider, infact he's pretty good, but if you're gonna do it you might aswell do it with style..ala Mike Stewart! You should consider yourself lucky that i published this photo, your attitude in the water that day sucked mate! As for "jaydog" won't you please just tell the whole world where this surfspot is so that we can surf it with 50 other okes, so we can get a wave each every 30min.
20th December 2007 23:38
I surf this spot quite alot, its not the same as some waves that i've seen, but its a lot longer than your average reef breaks, with some scary sections that pop up...i rate it highly, i surf it often, and gives you the rush you looking for...James
20th December 2007 23:36
Its James Jones here, and i've been out there a few times, and Marc Jucker and Duncan know this place so well, they surf it the best, the owe rips, i'll give it to him, and i've seen him ride with that style alot, and it seriously works for him...Bog Up Dun Man...Peace James
rudiRudi Geyser
20th December 2007 09:51
you guys have issues
duncancampbellDuncan Campbell
20th December 2007 00:20
well jimmypop is jus the name of my email, an i didnt make it hard to figure me out. maybe when i was younger i wanted to do the fame thing like, gettin in the mag, winning contest ect, jus like everyone else but after doing this 4 12yrs im over that an jus dig surfin under the radar with mates, but thanks anyway.
MichelleDanielsMichelle Daniels
5th December 2007 18:25
Dude--jimmypop323--'Duncan Campbell'--Whooooooever you are--with a style reminscent of HUBB and your history of winning Wedge in 2002, YOU obviously are a CHARGER--respect! Would love to see some more shots of you. Did you seriously have an issue with the photographer or was it more in his tactless comments in describing his photograph of you. Believe me, I understand how offensive certain people's comments can be, but dude, consider the source--you said it yourself ''he's a kook"! Just let it role off your back and move on--I know it's hard but it's not worth stressing over---Keep ripping, go big and have fun!
But seriously, with talent like your's, would love to see a profile with more pics--perhaps you could hook up with Pierre Marqua(spy dude?) or Peter Lambert or Jared Shafer(JPS)--for some quality shots?!?! Just a suggestion, hey, take it or leave it. But just remember you doooooooooooo have talent and gifts like that, optimally, should be shared. Respect either way ;)
JdVJason Duvenage
5th December 2007 10:41
Checking out the other pics from this spot, someone tags this guy as 'Duncan Campbell' and it turns out that a 'Duncan Campbell' did infact win wedge in 2002...still don't see why you wouldn't want to have a profile or at least attach a real name to your username..oh well that's your business.
peterbeePeter Brandt
5th December 2007 09:20
The photog may be a kook, but that doesn't change what we see: SEEEK wave, less-than-perfect-moment for the rider... hey, it happens!
Spy DudePierre Marqua
5th December 2007 09:10
hahhaha, yes jimmy pop i beleive you and i totally understand your fear for putting up a profile on yourself. We all know kelly is part of the CIA and DEA and you are worried your undercover skunk plantations that you are growing in conjunction with the PE nigerian gangs will be uncovered if you disclose who you are... hahhaha ;) keep it real undercover brother.
duncancampbellDuncan Campbell
4th December 2007 22:06
find me as ''unknown'' in the smith twins vid if interested, an that sums it up,i dont really want a profile or any of that stuff, i guess now u can see my name now buts thats fine cos u would hav never heard of me before anyway, so lets leave it at that. the guy that took these pics is a kook, i live right by the spot, surfed it more than anyone over the last 8 yrs an i seen him out twice so he doesnt know a great deal about it. cheers
rudiRudi Geyser
4th December 2007 14:06
swak caption!
everyone(including myself) rocks the double elbows on occasion. you even see Hubb rocking it when the drop gets heavy.Sometimes you gotta do it to prevent the nose dive.
Word dog, sick wave.
Spy DudePierre Marqua
4th December 2007 08:59
So build yourself a profile and leave the ranks of kooks who claim behind usernames and put your own name behind it all bru. Ahoy sick wave, wouldnt mind giving it a bash.
alfjayJayden Alford-Loots
3rd December 2007 21:09
oooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeee ranga
duncancampbellDuncan Campbell
3rd December 2007 19:30
um, this is me, at my local spot that is kinda secret except when this dude came with his camera, which was dam offensive. if u knew the wave u would understand that there is a certain teqhnique to riding it so the comments rnt totally justified and i dont want to sound like an arrogant prick but i dont think beginners win the wedge classic(c 2002 jnrs) cos if so then i must be the best beginner in history. cheers
spongebobluva69Christopher Elliott
21st June 2007 18:43
radar vision!!!
21st June 2007 18:09
kinda true...
MarthinusMarthinus Botha
21st June 2007 18:03
his style looks similar to hubb's
21st June 2007 18:01
probably a beginner?
21st June 2007 18:01
even if he did suck, credit for charging this fatty...
Peter LambertPeter Lambert
24th August 2006 17:02
now that's a wave that would make me wake up with the sheet stuck to my leg. So perfect! SICK!
pukuMike Harris
23rd June 2006 17:03
sometimes Hubb holds his board like that

Photo Details

Surfspot:South Africa Konky Dong photos
Photographer:South Africa Anthony Krige photos


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