Vijay Maharaj at Shark Island
Darryl Menzies photo

posted by Vijay Maharaj on Tuesday, 13 December 2005

Vijay Maharaj at Shark Island



craigtrilivasCraig Trilivas
16th May 2008 15:00
Well either that or he's upped the levels/intensity of, or sharpened himself and left the background alone.

Yes I work with Photoshop alot how can u tell and why do u ask LOL!!!
craigtrilivasCraig Trilivas
16th May 2008 14:57
its def photoshopped but i def skeem its him tho.
All u do is select the area ( in this case himself and board ) and then tone down the background.
U guys must hav see b&w pics where maybe a doods eyes r maybe blu etc...???

Well done V :)
Dofer PChristopher Peters
21st September 2006 14:37
looks potant bud
HandoggHannes Esterhuyse
3rd February 2006 18:58
looks offense Vijay
HandoggHannes Esterhuyse
3rd February 2006 18:57
looks photoshopped...........

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