The Facts of Bodyboarding in South Africa

17th October 2006 Sean Tickner

Procrastinators do it tomorrow! Bodyboarders in South Africa have to start today!

To move forward we need to realise some hard truths, we need to move past them and focus our energy towards what we can change. I'm not here to be negative, on the contrary, look at this in a positive light and push towards a better future for our sport.

So here they are, a couple facts about Bodyboarding in S.A.:


We tend to have a nasty habit of trying to compare ourselves to surfers, e.g. "they have so many sponsors compared to us" and "ook how big their contests are" - that's not getting us anywhere. Why do we have to try get the same sponsors as them? Why do our contests have to be like theirs? Surfing in S.A. is a lot older than Bodyboarding; we are not at the same level! Let's rather strive to better our sport individually, as a stand alone! We are bodyboarders, we are unique! Be the best Bodyboarder you can be, support Bodyboarder friendly brands, try sort out better deals with your sponsors. Don't compare ourselves with surfers, we are a separate sport! Concentrate on making "our" brands bigger and better, don't focus on Surfing brands and complain about why they don't sponsor us.


Both locally and internationally, judging will always cause friction, somebody will always be unhappy no matter what the outcome, there unfortunately always has to be a loser - just try harder next time. Try developing judging clinics in your area, at your next club contest try getting a new guy or girl onto the judging panel and show them the ropes. Don't just teach kids how to ride but also how to judge. As a rider, constantly push yourself and correct your faults. During a contest, speak to a judge (who's isn't judging at the time) and talk to them about what the judges are looking for and how you can improve.


Again, don't compare. Two different sports, two different mags. ZIGZAG has been around for over 30 years, they come from a good publishing stable and they have a lot of money because they have BIG advertisers. LOGIC has been going for just over 2 years; it's a very small publication and not that many advertisers. That's where supporting Bodyboarding brands come in; they will advertise if they see it's generating a return. Support them! Support LOGIC, write the guys letters, tell them how well they're doing, give them a couple suggestions, and offer to write articles. Send in photos of your mates or Pros you happen to see, but PLEASE make sure they're worthwhile and don't give up just because you didn't get any shots the last issue - keep trying. Plus, don't be greedy and expect cash, donate photos and if you happen to get anything out of it, you'll be extra stoked. Get subs, buy mags for friends and family, add them as stocking fillers for Christmas, whatever!


We always try to gain recognition and push our sport. Now step it up! Try everyday to get Bodyboarding to the top, in everything you do. Be your best and spread the Bodyboarding word! Go to your school and speak to someone in Authority, ask if you can start a Bodyboarding Club and show Bodyboarding DVD's during breaks or whenever possible. Put up posters and tell everyone to join or just come watch. At the girls schools, show "LIQUID DOLL" - let them see what Karla does; show them Girls can do it too! Show them photos of the Pro's in the area; tell them to ask them if they need any help. Show them our sport. Take Intaba tickets to school, tell people about the insane prizes up for grabs, sell them to your friends and family.


Everything I've said, can be done, it's not all doom and gloom. We can push our sport forward and the way to do it is to be proactive. Don't think "I'm just one person, what can I do?"

YOU can make a difference, just take that first step and try take all your friends with you!!!



BillybusterBilly Tennant
18th October 2006 20:25
Sean, bro u are the man dude!! well put and yes we need 2 put all our efforts in 2 make our great sport grow and it's not impossible, nothing is impossible if you just believe!! Shot 4 this....think we really needed it buddy-peace
jbsJared Schafer
18th October 2006 10:48
sean i want you to have my children!!!...hahaa. Nice article buddy, very well written!
tjokkaTjokka du Plessis
17th October 2006 20:28
Could not have said it better myself!!
rylinRylin Richardson
17th October 2006 19:27
Very well put Sean!!!lets do what needs to be done!!!
Darryn StephenDarryn Stephen
17th October 2006 13:03

Bru you are a legend, and totally right. We arent surfers(Thank the Lord) and we must show our sport in its own light.
MatthewMatthew Botha
17th October 2006 10:31
i agree
kruIan Kruger
17th October 2006 10:10
Well put Sean, I think its time the boogers stopped talking about doing something and actually did it!!!
Jared HoustonJared Houston
17th October 2006 09:45
excellently put sean
Noeleen KleveNoeleen Kleve
17th October 2006 08:32
Well said Sean!!! Let's keep it positive and proactive.

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