Richie Robbins

posted by richie on Wednesday, 14 February 2007

Richie Robbins

at brusco fairwell



ElianderthehatefulNico Boshoff
1st June 2007 17:24
You gotta love the whole "Look at me I'm a surfer" - salty hairstyle he's got going...

Washing your hair doesn't make you shred less dude!!!
Stephan BeckerStephan Becker
1st June 2007 17:15
ah...well my point exactly. just saying this is like spam, no point. I can't even laugh at a pic like this....really
hugh grantNathan Wood
31st May 2007 17:46
Mr. Beckers quote "AND NOT TO PICK UP CHICKS....or guys.".. How the hell can any person or thing remotely resembling this hideous excuse for a organic being, even possible stand a chance of attracting its fellow or neighboring species in a sexual way!!! I'm sorry, that belief is just to far fetched, you will not make a believer out of me!!!
And as for bodyboarding only picture's, I think I got a few of me that look good!!!
Stephan BeckerStephan Becker
31st May 2007 16:12
uhhh maybe we gotta explain....SIXT40 IS NOT LIKE MYSPACE OT NETLOG or similar. Post bodyboarding pics or if something else is funny but not offensive, post it. The point of a profile is to give you a bit of exposure and to show others what you can do, AND NOT TO PICK UP CHICKS....or guys...
David van zylDavid van Zyl
31st May 2007 09:58
What part of BODYBOARDING website didnt you understand guy?? j.j? ????randomness????
kitefanaticJeandre de Villiers
20th March 2007 15:55
this is kak random
tjokkaTjokka du Plessis
20th March 2007 11:12
What the hell is the point of this photo?!
hugh grantNathan Wood
20th March 2007 10:22
oh god noooo!! put it away, please!!!
brechtBrecht Posen
19th March 2007 20:29
how can cock be ur favorite bodyboarder if hes a surfer

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