Jared Schafer at Umdloti
Jared Schafer photo

posted by jbs on Thursday, 17 August 2006

Jared Schafer at Umdloti




jbsJared Schafer
18th October 2007 08:00
i came off lightly Peter...the durban crowd rolls gangsta style. hahaaaa
Peter LambertPeter Lambert
18th October 2007 04:31
Those durban boogers are viscious... JBS left his wettie at home and had to borrow as standups QS suit... and look what the spongers did to him for wearing QS... be warned! Thank god it wasn't a volcom wettie, otherwise I'm not sure he would have escaped with his life.... lol

Photo Details

Rider:South Africa Jared Schafer photos
Surfspot:Central Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa Umdloti photos
Photographer:South Africa Jared Schafer photos


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